We found the place in France where the naked ladies dance! Still looking fo the hole in the wall though...
This is the last few hours of our last night in Bordeaux, and France. Tomorrow we travel to Italy to start working on an organic farm. There should be internet access somewhere in the area...after all we contacted the family by internet. But, I am not sure if we will actually have it in the place that we are staying. Therefore, there might be a longer period of time than some of you are used to between posts. Don't worry, we are still living and writing. We will just upload all of them at once when we next have internet access.

Also, I realize that lately Liz has been carrying the blog. I will catch up as soon as I can.:)

Take care and talk at you soon.


the roommate beginning with the letter 'D'
5/24/2012 03:34:42 pm

geez, kevin! you better. you're lucky i like liz so much.

:D miss you guys! and so jealous of the amazing adventure you're having!

5/27/2012 10:52:55 pm

Hey Kevin & Liz! Hope you are having a great day today, wherever you are!

Kevin, I went to a party yesterday where veggie pizza was served (and for the record, it wasn't nearly as good as yours). Immediately I thought of you, and the fact that you STILL have not shared your recipe with me. I'll look forward to that when you guys get home :)

Miss you both!!!

5/29/2012 03:49:12 am

Don't look too hard!!!!

Kim and Freya
5/29/2012 06:05:06 am

Hey you two just wanted to let you know before you heard from anybody else in the family. Freya broke her wrist on Memorial Day she has a really cool hot pink cast. She misses you guys

5/30/2012 04:50:01 am

How did she break her wrist?

6/1/2012 02:54:42 am

She was doing the slidy thing that she has tons hundreds of times but she stopped in the middle and let go and fell on the wood chips below. Both ulna and radius are fractured. We go back June 19th to see how it is healing.


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