Hello friends and family,

This is one of those posts that I hoped I would never have to write.

Some of you may have met my wonderful puppy Cosmo. If you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve heard me talking about him… nonstop. While planning this trip, the only problem I really ran into was trying to find a place for him to stay while I was away. Fortunately, Kevin’s Aunt and Uncle were gracious enough to bring him into their lives and allow him to join their family for the summer. Unfortunately, the situation isn’t working out.

Cosmo is having a hard time learning how to “share”. When I was back at home, he had 100% of my attention. Now, he has to share between two kids, two dogs, and three cats. This has caused some tension between he and the eldest alpha male, Buddy. He has shown no aggression towards any of the humans, but he and Buddy do not get along. Hence, we need to find someplace else for him to stay for the rest of the summer.

If I’m being perfectly honest about my baby Cosmo – he can be a handful. He’s part Black Lab and part Whippet, so he’s got a lot of energy and loves to run (not run away, just run around). I would say he needs to run around for at least 30-45 minutes every day, the more the better. He loves to play with the Chuck-It, so you don’t actually have to run with him... just be willing to throw a ball for a bit of time. Other than his high-energy, he is a wonderful dog. He loves to cuddle, prances around like a deer, and will make you laugh on a daily basis.

So, here’s the deal. We’re looking for someone to watch Cos until September when we return. It would really be helping us out a lot, and essentially allow us to continue this blog. If need be, I (we) will end the trip early and come home for Cos.

Any interested parties can comment or contact us in an email.



6/6/2012 11:59:16 pm

Hey you two.

If I could take Cosmo I would unfortunally I can't. I have emailed my friend Sadie to see if she can help. She runs a shelter out of her home for dogs. As soon as I hear back I will let you guys know..

6/7/2012 01:34:10 am

Hey guys,

My friend Sadie won't take him because of her Alpha males Bones and is worried about Cosmo. I have texted everybody in my phone to see if they would be willing to help. If it comes down to it I will beg my landlord to see if Cosmo can stay with Freya and me until September. I don't want you guys to cut to have to cut your trip short.

6/8/2012 11:27:07 am

Oh, I wish we could. Buster would get eaten. I hope he finds a good place soon.


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